Hormones aren’t the only cause of Infertility

Trigger Warning: Pregnancy & Miscarriage

I was 28, young considering the current stats describing age at first pregnancy and never thought twice about having trouble with fertility.

In fact, I had spent the majority of my ‘child bearing years’ up to that point trying to avoid getting pregnant. But like many women lately, I had trouble conceiving and was referred to a Fertility Clinic by my family doctor. I didn’t really question what the process would be like, but I knew they were going to help me conceive and since I wasn’t offered any other options, felt this was the best way to proceed

FastForward multiple needles, many vials of blood, painful invasive tests and uncomfortable situations later….

I successfully conceived my daughter.

After that experience though, conceiving that way again felt like something I could not endure. So when we decided we wanted to add to our family again, I said to myself ‘IF it happens naturally, great. If not, then that’s that.’ And once again, no luck. I had started to give up hope.

Then one day, I had a serendipitous encounter with a Fertility Naturopath at a networking event. She happened to be seated right next to me and explained all about how analyzing my cycles, lifestyle and bloodwork could help me optimize my chances of conceiving again.

Finally! As it turns out, all the signs were there; irregular periods, adult acne, mood swings, and more. I clearly had a hormone imbalance and what the Fertility Clinic had done was forced by cycles to be ‘regular’ so I was able to conceive. But since I didn’t want to do that again, I was ready to do what it took to get my hormones balanced again. I also desperately needed to get my stress under control, supplement my Vitamin D levels and focus on eating food that was nourishing for my body. So we did bloodwork, and based on the results supplemented what needed to be, and added in some acupuncture and lifestyle change.

And again, I got pregnant!

However, 10 weeks later on New Year’s Eve, learned that the pregnancy was no longer viable. I was crushed. And it took several months and a lot of therapy before I would even consider if I wanted to add to our family any more. Ultimately I decided I would give it one more shot. Unfortunately my Naturopath had retired, and now I had to figure out how to re-create all of the same conditions in my body on my own.

Armed with the knowledge of my previous experiences, I sought the help of a Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Acupuncturist. But wanted to get a status check with bloodwork and couldn’t find another Fertility ND who was available. My doctor wouldn’t do the same extensive panel so I wasn’t sure how to proceed. Until I found out about Live Blood Analysis.

With a single drop of blood, not even a vial, a live blood analyst could deduce all of the same things a blood panel would show and where changes needed to be made in both nutrient deficiencies and lifestyle. That’s how I met Crina Cretu. I was finally on the same path as before, but this time the anxiety of miscarriage was incredibly high. And we were in the midst of the pandemic so my options were limited.

Opening up to Justin, he suggested we work on my C-Section scar from my first delivery. I had been hesitant to do any kind of scar release but he explained that the scar tissue or Myofascial restriction creates tension in the reproductive system that can alter it’s function. Why didn’t I think of that?

Releasing my scar helped me release a lot of emotion along with it from the birth, and also the miscarriage. Energetically speaking, I was able to clear those restrictions too.

The combination of lifestyle change, supplements & nutrition changes as advised by Crina, and Myofascial Release proved to be exactly what I needed. I successfully conceived my son in 2 months and my family was complete.

IF you are considering starting a family or have been trying for a while, I want to be able to share the expertise I was able to access along my fertility journey with you.

Please join us at our upcoming (free) Fertility Open House!

You will get the chance to listen to experts in the field describe various ways to boost your fertility, and do a 1-to-1 consult with each of them. Plus attend a sacred womb meditation.

Register Here


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