Natural Cold and Flu Prevention Using the Power of Supplements and Foods

Winter months can bring about not just the delightful holiday spirit but also the unwelcome cold and flu. However, nature provides us with a bountiful pharmacy in the form of foods and supplements that can help boost our immune system. Here, we'll dive into five essential supplements that can give you a helping hand in staying healthy - mushrooms, vitamin C, vitamin D, greens, and probiotics - and the foods where you can find them.

1. Mushrooms

Supplement Benefits: Mushrooms, especially varieties like shiitake, turkey tail, and reishi, have long been known in traditional medicine for their immune-boosting properties. They contain beta-glucans which can enhance the body's immune response.

*Crina’s Recommendation: 5 Defenders by Real Mushrooms

Food Sources: Beyond the well-known white button mushroom, branch out and try shiitake, maitake, reishi, oyster, and even lion's mane. Incorporate them into your soups, salads, and main dishes for an earthy flavor and immune support.

2. Vitamin C

Supplement Benefits: Vitamin C, a potent antioxidant, plays a critical role in enhancing immune function. Regular consumption can help in reducing the duration and severity of cold symptoms.

*Crina’s Recommendation: Stellar C by Designs for Health

Food Sources: Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruits are classic sources of Vitamin C. Other top sources include bell peppers, strawberries, kiwi, guava, and papaya. 

3. Vitamin D:

Supplement Benefits: Often known as the "sunshine vitamin", vitamin D plays an instrumental role in modulating the immune system. Several studies have found that low vitamin D levels are associated with increased susceptibility to infections. This is particularly important for Canadians.

*Crina’s Recommendation: D-Mulsion 1000 by Genestra

Food Sources: While sunlight is the best source, in our diet, fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines are rich in vitamin D. Other sources include fortified dairy products, egg yolks, and beef liver.

4. Greens:

Supplement Benefits: Greens powders are typically made from dehydrated, ground-up vegetables and herbs, providing a concentrated source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They can help bridge the gap between what you eat and what you should be eating, potentially bolstering your immune defenses.

*Crina’s Recommendation: Supergreens Greens Powder by Organic Traditions

Food Sources: Instead of or alongside the supplement, focus on including a variety of green leafy vegetables in your diet. Spinach, kale, swiss chard, collard greens, and broccoli are excellent choices. The broader the variety, the better the range of nutrients.

5. Probiotics:

Supplement Benefits: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that inhabit our gut. A healthy gut microbiome plays an integral role in our overall immune function. Supplementing with probiotics can help keep our gut in balance, potentially warding off infections.

*Crina’s Recommendation: HMF Intensive 500 or HMF Intensive 50 by Genestra

Food Sources: Fermented foods are natural sources of probiotics. Incorporate foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, and kombucha into your diet. Not only are they flavourful but they also support gut health.

Whether you choose supplements or immune-boosting foods, there’s many ways to prevent colds and flu this season.

Focus on whole foods, rich in these beneficial compounds, to not only aid in cold and flu prevention but also support overall health. 

Want more tips? Learn about cold/flu prevention from a Chinese Medicine perspective - All about the common cold and flu; symptoms and treatments

Not sure where to start? Get custom recommendations and tailored suggestions from Crina Cretu, Nutritionist & Live Blood Analyst.

Stay well and thrive this season!

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